Spiritual Direction

“We go to counselors when we want help getting out of the caves.
We go to spiritual directors when we are ready to be led farther in.”
– Barbara Brown Taylor Learning to Walk in the Dark

Spiritual direction is an ancient, contemplative spiritual practice in which one person helps another to discern the presence and movement of God/Spirit/Divine in life. Spiritual direction is not therapy, though it may be therapeutic. The goal of spiritual direction is the deepening of the directee’s relationship with the Spirit through the cultivation of their ability to notice moments of holiness, moments of divine synchronicity, and the interconnectedness of all things. The director’s role is to practice holy listening and to respond using wisdom and intuition.

Each spiritual direction session is 50 minutes long. I have a practice in Richardson, Texas but am available anywhere via zoom. I like to begin sessions with an invitation for us both to find stillness in the form of a short, silent meditation. As our conversation flows, I may ask questions or offer observations to support your discernment journey. Spiritual direction sessions are usually scheduled once per month. In between sessions, I may suggest you experiment with specific spiritual practices like Lectio Divina or journaling.

My personal faith tradition is Christian, but I also work in interfaith spaces and can companion individuals from other faiths and those who identify as “spiritual-but-not-religious.” As a member of Spiritual Directors International, I adhere to their ethical guidelines which include tending to my own soul-needs. I meet monthly with my own spiritual director, am in regular supervision, and have a rich spiritual practice. The full list of ethical guidelines can be found here.

Portrait of a Spiritual Companion (From Spiritual Directors International)

Spiritual directors or companions support the unique spiritual journey of every individual. They are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without being judgmental. They are contemplative and honor silence as a spiritual practice. They are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving yet independent.

Spiritual direction or companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all.

Inclusive ~ Genuine ~ Listening ~ Accepting ~ Contemplative ~ Wise